Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Customers reviews ;)

Thank you to you, Ryko kalinko, massage therapist. We already miss you.

Friday, April 13, 2018

About Thai massage

Thai Massage has significant importance for the well-being of the human body and the mind.
Thai Massage is based upon a very simple principle and observation.

Basically, it is a normal instinct to place your hand on any are of the body that suffers pain – whether that pain be from an insect bite, a strain, overworked muscles, or perhaps bruising from a fall or other damage.
Not only do we place our hands upon the painful part, but we also rub – massage – it!
And it works to relieve the pain. If it did not work, then we would not do it.
That is the basic philosophy behind Traditional Thai Massage. Thai massage developed from this very basic instinct to place your hand upon any part of the body that suffers pain.
Added to the pain relief, there is also a natural instinct – certainly in western cultures – to 'hug' a person, or even stroke a person if there is a problem of sadness or unhappiness. The same is true in many cases upon meeting a dear friend.
A hug is quite normal, and often more than just a fleeting 'touch'.
Not all cultures throughout the world are at ease with this custom or feeling. This certainly is true with traditional Thai people. Hugging and other forms of outward emotional feelings can cause a feeling of unease.
This seems a little strange, when you consider that Thailand is undoubtedly the 'home' of massage. It has certainly caused the writer a few awkward moments, when the natural instinct for a hug – especially after a fifteen hour flight.

Massage courses

We precise that we are are not a school, so you will maximum that 3 students during the session.

About the certification, it proves you have practiced during 150 hours, and comes from The Union of Thai Traditional Medicine Society ===> site officiel 

The teacher is allowed to deliver this certification, of course with the condition you deserve it!